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TWDC and continued nightmare for residents--Giglio, Schmitt, Bell reduxSubmitted by lmcshane on Fri, 08/26/2011 - 20:53.
Well, apparently, the two properties owned by Desiree Schmitt on College Ave. were recently "sold" at Sheriff sale, despite her legal proceedings to stop it. The man who apparently "bought" the house is a 2nd District Police Officer with possible ties to TWDC's Development Director--Tremont West tried and backed off an original plan that condemned the back house (and mistakenly the rehabbed front house, too) for demolition. The photo collage above shows the rehabbed storefront/house that fronts on College and the back house, which is adjacent to the "valet" parking area leased from the Ukrainian Catholic St. Peter and Paul in Tremont. Thurman Alley runs along the west side of the property. Here is part of Desiree's story: Who knows Monica Klein and Richard McMonagle and why they are ignoring my defense??? Read more below:Here are the details..
Case #: CV-09-688431
Magistrate: Monica Klein
Judge: Richard McMonagle
5/5/11 My neighbors file a motion to stay sheriff sale because their garage/lot was added to the sale
5/5/11 Court RULES and approves stay- same day!!!
5/6/11 I file a stay of sheriff sale not knowing my neighbors filed one the day before and explain that I have a new job that will pay my mortgage if I lose both tenants.. IGNORED by court.. not even a denial ruling
7/29/11 Working with pain in the neck, incompetent bank, but I don't hear ANYTHING from court so I file a motion for a status conference to force everyone to the table.. explain how the bank is messing up the process for modification and the court is not responding and I have confirmed, new job.. IGNORED by court, again, not even a denial
8/18/11 I hire Kent Minshall as an atty and pay him with my first paycheck to put a stick in the spokes. He files on this date a motion to stay and sights an error in the mortgage where the mortgage company hand wrote in the parcel number of my back house that was not signed by me (now I'm losing TWO houses) AND I attempted a chapter 13 bankruptcy that KILLED me to pay each month making $10/hour at a hotel.. that my hard work and hustle, I was willing to do.. The diabetic that I am? I even had to ration my food for a month to make the bankruptcy payment because my hours were cut for that month (effectively laid off for slow season). Bankruptcy ultimately denied. Cool, because I didn't want to do it anyway, and I was starting to (finally) get calls back re: job leads in my former industry. I get a statement that the Trustee released $10k in funds to the bank. Bank cannot/will not acknowledge funds received. ALL of these, individually, should be enough to STAY a Sheriff Sale... Hand written plot numbers, funds received and still pursuing foreclosure.. solid job to keep a resident in the neighborhood.. Three solid arguments.. IGNORED by court, again, not even a denial
8/22/11 Sheriff sells my house. House purchased by Simon Musulin, a second district officer whose last house was purchased off of Lori Properties who is Sammy Catania, Development Director at TWDC.
TWDC targeted me and Tom Bell to Condemn/Fast-path-tear-down our properties.. only.. they were using my back house that was the next renovation project.. with OPEN building permits as the reason.. but were executing the demo order on the front/house storefront.. to the point that they started turning off my utilities (This story was covered by the Scene.. but the reporter was pretty soft on the corrupt assholes behind the land grap attempt..) I had to flee to Collinwood to be safe and have at least my pets, a kitchen, a bed and a wardrobe to continue to survive in the event I couldn't beat the machine.
I'm a hard worker, an asset to the community even if I'm not recognized by those driving the economic/business developers, and through all of my struggles have managed to stand on my own and not take a cent of welfare, food stamps, etc.
And now that I am in a position to recover.. I'm ignored by the court so someone can land grab a property that I have put my heard and soul into for 10 years? No one wanted these properties then.. No one.. and now that I have helped build the community around them for all of these businesses and residents to want to move here.. this is how I'm treated? For what, for my place to become a parking lot? or molded into the last big development in Tremont because everything else is land-locked?
See the post above--the land grab and abuse of power never ends. See also: And for national recognition of this form of abuse and theft of property: From Facebook--the person who "purchased" Desiree's property at Sheriff Sale is a Second District Police Officer: So Simon Musulin tells me his is just a simple investor who does Sheriff sales all the time. Okay.. here are his only property purchases outside of his owner occupied space in South Hills: |
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See the post above--the land grab and abuse of power never ends.
See also:
And for national recognition of this form of abuse and theft of property:
From Facebook--the person who "purchased" Desiree's property at Sheriff Sale is a Second District Police Officer:
I Lori Properties "acquisition" a.k.a Sammy Catania, Development Director for Tremont West Development Corporation.. I see the massive history of foreclosure acquisitions.. *cough* Empty, renovated, for sale by Jim Anderson, Progressive
The magistrate for Richard McMonagle is Monica Klein--formerly magistrate for disgraced Judge Steven Terry...
Apparently, the news is true. You fought - and now the bloodsuckers will take over your property. Bishop Chui - see this post and understand how the land bank mafia operates.
Condemnation is vital part of their toolbox:
From Susie Sharp:
See post above for a description of the "treatment."
The "treatment" is what his administration has tolerated and even encouraged. Who are the "right" people to make up the population of a "dying" city like Cleveland? Evidently, Frank, Desiree and even an outside developer like Tom Bell aren't "good" enough.
Mayor Jackson continues to aggressively fundraise his next run for mayor--does he want attention to the fact that his administration harasses folks into indigency?
It has been suggested that we picket Tremont West. Desiree has a thousand FB friends. Is this a picket opportunity?
Yes, we encourage an immediate picket of Tremont and for Mayor Jackson to stand up against its insensitive nigger name calling and stealing the homes of Blacks and others or be picketed too. Kathy Wray Coleman
Educated folks who laugh at picketters and STILL come out smelling like roses?
Are we picketing to motivate the majority who DON'T PARTICIPATE to begin participating?
Are we chasing non performers to force them to pay to play?
Are we expecting change from people who don't care about these social injustices?
Are we pushing for reform from people who don't stand up for their own rights?
I walked the streets of 5th, 6th, and 7th recently....I found 2 outstanding ladies in that walk who seemed to be very excited to be involved---but who had no idea about the CDC or other local entities. While they live right there in the heart of Tremont; many low income residents don't even interact with the folks up at all those venues...
Yet, some have come from half way across the country to live and play in this environment where they can be "accepted" for their diversity. I am okay with that point and recognize that some folks need that for their identities.
Who are the KEY LEADERS of issues in TREMONT besides the councilman and community development agency?
Who will petition the non voters to participate....hundreds on those streets above.... ?
Until the residents realize that they are still being treated unreasonably; what does any of this matter?
There are several folks who step up and fight for them; but always get knocked down, assaulted, or insulted by the regime.... It's a war in America amongst residents in Tremont; the HAVE's and the HAVE NOTS.... WHO WILL WIN?
The indigent are the laborers...not the planners... They are allowed to sow the seeds in the land; not in the board rooms.
The indigent are the quotas....not the administrators... They are allowed to be seen; but never heard.
The few who have crossed the great divides to the other side are able to rub elbows with the elitists who think that their crap does not stink...pew wee.
Always Appreciative, "ANGELnWard14"
...don't think that your philanthropy at TWDC is the stairway to heaven when you are violating the public at large with your collusive actions....
Hear those storms coming through....God's a little upset with you folks!
Always Appreciative, "ANGELnWard14"
First you should educate and petition the residents for change. Unless they are going to take charge of their own lives and be proactive; this is just another battle in the war that will be lost to corruption!
These people must take individual action consistently instead of depending on others to do the right thing. But if they are UNAWARE of the issues that violate them in their own backyards; you are wasting your time.
I was once told that Cimperman's house was burned down b/c he allowed blacks to move back into the low income houses in TREMONT.... is that true?
Always Appreciative, "ANGELnWard14"
CDCs are not working on behalf of residents. They are beholden to developers. If Mayor Jackson wanted to really help folks in this town--he should shut them down IMMEDIATELY and put the CDBG funding into a massive WPA effort to employ folks in the city to repair our water, street and bridge infrastructure--to plant trees and engage in real food production that involved livestock and massive retraining for food preservation and distribution.
That a woman, working by herself, like Desiree, was able to transform two ratty old buildings into something better--should be APPLAUDED by Mayor Jackson. Instead, her life has been made a living hell.
And, all the time, while she struggled and was not a threat to the CDC--as she scrapped by to pay bills and make improvements and deal with no medical coverage for a chronic and debilitating condition--her property was not a priority in the "Master Plan," even after she successfully fought off the hounds in Code Enforcement, she did not become THE Priority, until she landed a lucrative job that would finally enable her to dig herself out of the big hole created by the constant harassment from the CDC--then this Sheriff Sale WAS immediately fast-tracked.
This is the nightmare.
This is why NO ONE in their right mind would even think of investing their time and energy to LIVE in Cleveland.
This is the message you are sending around the world Mayor Jackson. Cleveland is not a place where we LOVE thy neighbor, it is the place where we BETRAY our neighbors, and move out to Rocky River, Solon, Geauga County, Copley, Bath...maybe just over the state line...far enough to make a buck in Cuyahoga County, but not close enough that you might actually have to answer to your old neighbor.
Totally agreed...
REMINDER: Which guy from TWDC just got a gravy job with City of Cleveland Dept of Development or something???? The people must start paying attention to the politics in their back yards or be trampled on by the public servants....
Always Appreciative, "ANGELnWard14"
This morning's paper includes an article by Laura Johnston--on the a new funding formula for the County Land Bank, run by Gus Frangos, a former Downtown/Tremont Councilman and buddy of former treasurer Jim Rokakis. Gus Frangos is the brother of Lou Frangos and part of the Frangos Group out of Youngstown, Ohio.
Our daily rag admits--ADMITS--that this reformulation to be approved or not approved--TOMORROW--by the Cuyahoga County Council, will COST taxpayers:
CLEVELAND, Ohio -- The Cuyahoga County land bank wants a new funding formula that would guarantee the agency $7 million a year and cost taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars annually.
And, then to top it off and to defy all comprehension, the Plain Dealer prints a sugar-coated editorial from our "Mr. Accountability" County Exec Ed FitzGerald and NPI's Joel Ratner:
(Dianna--to answer your query--Chris Garland, former TWDC Director, was promoted to City of Cleveland Commissioner of Neighborhood Development--to my knowledge he now makes $118,000 and lives in Lakewood OH--)
The Fitzgerald/Ratner Dirty Dealer editorial relies on statements by Chris Ronayne and Brian Smith for support (see quote copied below). The fact that Ratner and Fitzgerald don't have any neutral supporters, but have relied on the very corporate organizations and corporate employed individuals who are in the loop and benefiting from the "land bank", is a stark warning that the "land bank" is a danger and a detriment to individual citizens.
Read the Fitzgerald/Ratner statement from the common person's outlook - and it will read 180 degrees in the opposite direction.
RED LIGHT on the "land bank".
"The land bank is at "the cutting edge of land research," according to Chris Ronayne, president of University Circle Inc., which cooperates and works with the land bank.
Brian J. Smith, director of strategic project development for the Cleveland Clinic, called the organization, "a magnificent partner to promote land assembly for the revitalization of our cities and neighborhoods."
Always Appreciative, "ANGELnWard14"
from the director of strategic project development of the Cleveland Clinic!
Be vigilant.
plus videos, handbooks and complaint forms, much more.
Tell your friend she should spend (IMO) a few hours here to save her ten yrs of hard work.
Be Blessed, Betty B.
ps. check fb too for this
lots of assistance out there, so sorry she is going thru all this :(
PSS, now I am going back to being silent until (and IF) this site owner/people does right by me, so I will say you are welcome in advance. I can't help and support a site that allows attacks of lies and slander and worse and abuse of myself and others.
The problem is, America is NOT a Democracy - it is a Republic! As our Founding Fathers established, can we keep it?
After a foreclosure sale that has not had the interior inspection for an appraisal required by state law, people can move the judge not to confirm the sale on this basis, or before the sale a foreclosure defendant can move for an new appraisal with an interior inspection, which will give you some time if it is granted by a fair judge as the law requires. The Second District Court has ruled that a court should not confirm a sale without the interior appraisal and though such case law is not binding on Cuyahoga County's Eighth District, the reference may push the court to follow the law. See and site Huntington National Bank v. Burch, 157 Ohio App.3d 71 (2004)--Kathy Wray Coleman
Any suggestions are welcome here. Thank you for caring :)
You are welcome
Thanks to the machinations of our Department of Community Development and the CDCs and the completely deep-cover operations at the Board of Revision and Cuyahoga County Land Bank.
Enjoy the air show. While a hardworking woman and her tenants and pets are made homeless.
Gus Frangos
Gus Frangos, President and General Counsel County Land Bank
In the Fall of 2004, Mr. Frangos was retained by the Cuyahoga County Treasurer to propose and craft policy changes for the administration and disposition of vacant and abandoned tax delinquent properties. Through the direction and under the auspices of Cuyahoga County Treasurer James Rokakis, this effort resulted in the drafting and ultimate passage of House Bills 293, 294 and the recently passed S.B. 353 all of which are designed to expedite the foreclosure and reclamation of tax delinquent, vacant and abandoned properties in Ohio.
Cuyahoga County Council questions land bank funding
Land bank President Gus Frangos, though, pushed for the change on Monday. "You can still authorize what it is that's being asked here," Frangos said.
And an excellent comment before it disappears:
With the need to address the abandoned properties in the county it is unfortunate that this process was and is completely politicized. Except for the opinions of a couple of county board members the disagreements and debate are within the Democrat party, of course, and it's all about control.
The Land Bank Project is left over from the old county government which was build on patronage and cronyism. In the final months of that former "government" those involved in creating the Land Bank worked overtime to secure a process and make sure it remained with the old guard. Loyal soldiers were rewarded and placed in leadership roles.
Gus Frangos, who worked for Jim Rokakis, is a former Cleveland City Councilperson as was Rokakis. Enough said, right? Frangos and his family are part of the old machine.
Fitzgerald and the county council should go back to the drawing board and start at the beginning and form and entirely new entity. Fitzgerald should appoint his most competent council member, Dave Greenspan, to head an exploratory committee to set up a un-politicized government council to manage the land bank. Five members from the ranks of business and professional people should be chosen. The backgrounds of these five members should not be politically connected, but instead, should have backgrounds in real estate, development, business start-ups and management in the free market.
Frangos and the remains of the old guard must go. We need to address the problem of abandoned properties and redevelopment. We do not need another power struggle within the county's Democrat machine.
Or, better yet, hire a management company to run the agency. It would be cheaper, more efficient, profit driven; it's success would be measurable and best of all--they could be fired if they perform badly.
and make them open to the public for purchase and rehab.....revitalize the real estate investors community of Greater Cleveland and stop abusing the public at large with this mass land grab and abusive practices with not for profit funding allocations that only pay for old guard politicians....
put these properties back on the shopping block for public participation at large!!!!
Always Appreciative, "ANGELnWard14"
Land Banking
In 2007, South Euclid city officials, led by Mayor Welo, bought a commercial section of South Euclid called Cedar Center; they threatened to use eminent domain to put the deal through.
South Euclid has had financial problems with it ever since. They have not paid down the bonds; they just keep rolling them over and now owe about $19 million.
In 2009, the Cedar Center was put in the Land Bank, meaning that the Cleveland Heights-University Heights School District lost $330,000 that year in revenue.
This seems pretty unusual to me. Is it possible that the land banking of this large commercial site could have been the result of Mayor Welo getting preferential treatment from the Land Bank, as a member of its board?
The circumstances with landbanking this commercial property (that was thriving before purchased by South Euclid and torn down) are sufficient for Mayor Welo to step down from the Land Bank Board.
I certainly hope she recused herself when that decision was made, and that the other board members made sure she did so.
The time of making up your own rules is over. We're sick of this disrespect for the rule of law.
I say to Ed--keep up the good work.
by 4411522 :
I hope Georgine Welo recused herself when the decision was made to land bank Cedar Center. Cedar Center is her administration's boondoogle. For only $19 million they forced owners to sell their land and businesses, and ripped down one of South Euclid's economic engines, transforming it into a pile of dirt.
Then to avoid having South Euclid pay their taxes on the property, they put it into a land bank.
Conflict of interest? Abuse of power? Absolutely, until we are shown otherwise. Please show the records where she recused herself from this decision.
Mortgage Fraud Welo and Kleem Land Bank members
Just unbelievable how this continues in broad daylight:
Did York Management properties get dumped to County Land Bank??
I found only one on East 49th 123-29-023 where taxes 14,869.17 were not paid for years. It looks like a two-family home was also demolished on the site. Wow...and 2.5% primary residence reduction applied on taxes, of course.
See also how National City Bank appraiser extended line of credit to Kleem. Why is the appraiser not named here? Still in business at PNC?
More coverage here:
With funding from the Ohio Attorney General's Office and the Ohio Organized Crime Investigations Commission, the Task Force was formed in December 2007. The Task Force is comprised of federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies. The director of the Task Force is a Sergeant of the Cuyahoga County Sheriff's Office.
The investigation was led by the Cuyahoga County Prosecutor's Office, Ohio Attorney General's Office, Cuyahoga County Sheriff's Office, Beachwood Police Department, Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation (BCI), and the Ohio Organized Crime Investigations Commission (OOCIC).
Contact: Maria (Pinzone) Russo, Public Information Officer, (216) 698-2819, cell (216) 299-9326 or mrusso [at] cuyahogacounty [dot] us
Research on Land Bank President Frangos
Thank you Lily for this information that should not be ignored by mainstream media and especially not be ignored by our elected County Executive Ed FitzGerald and elected Cuyahoga County Council.
Related to this story: property owners carrying large property tax liens and using bankruptcy to avoid paying (and losing their properties--see Aberdeen Investments) and slum landlords collecting HUD Section 8 monies for years under our former treasurer and all the while never paying taxes (see Lucky Ogor/Ikan)....bankrupting cities and killing vital services like schools and libraries, especially in East Cleveland.
I spoke by phone on my day off with two county employees who confirmed for me that large property owners and landlords collecting HUD monies for Section 8 housing routinely got a way with not paying their property taxes, by filing bankruptcy and/or by creating LLCs to flip/camouflage their behavior. HUD still lets these slimeballs collect HUD money (See Lucky Ogor).
For larger property "managers" this ruse was well-known, not unlike the 2.5 % primary residence reduction that was fraudulently claimed by so many multiple property owners.
Also related to this story: Tremont West Development Corporation, Ohio City Near West, Detroit Shoreway, Stockyards, Clark-Fulton, Brooklyn Centre, Slavic Village and Old Brooklyn CDCs get to divy up the $689,000 in TIFF funding from Steelyard Commons. Split six ways $114,833.00 each and residents have no say in how the money gets handed off to "developers" who have flipped or installed strawbuyers (including young CDC employees who purchased homes from the land bank...what a deal!) for years on the east and west side of Cleveland and stand to get the pay off now.
Section 6. That under Section
5709.43 of the Revised Code there is
hereby established a Steelyard Commons
Urban Redevelopment Tax
Increment Equivalent Fund (“Steelyard
Commons TIF Fund”), 70% of
which shall be used for acquisition
of land and to make improvements
to the Tow Path Trail and Canal
Basin Park. Of this 70%, if there are
remaining funds, they shall be used
for additional connector trails.
The remaining 30% shall be used
for retail assistance programs and
other commercial and industrial initiatives,
including land acquisition,
within the City. This 30% will be
used primarily for projects that offset
the impacts of Steelyard Commons
on adjacent neighborhood commercial
districts, and use of these
funds will be guided by the retail
impact study currently underway.
These funds will be disbursed quarterly
as grants, on a competitive
basis, under criteria established by
this Council and the Cleveland Citywide
Development Corporation
(CCDC). The CCDC will evaluate
applications and make recommendations
to this Council. Projects in the
following categories will be eligible:
Neighborhood Retail: specifically
those elements not funded by the
existing Storefront Program (such
as parking lots);
Neighborhood Small and Start-up
Businesses: to assist with small
business expansion, refine business
plans, assist entrepreneurs to “get
out of the garage and into a storefront,”
Neighborhood Arts Projects: projects
that enhance a neighborhood
commercial/retail district;
Neighborhood Streetscape: in
neighborhood commercial/residential
Neighborhood Industrial Sites:
planning, environmental site assessments,
etc., of underused and/or
abandoned neighborhood industrial
sites; and
Land Acquisition: to support commercial
development adjacent to the
Tow Path Trail.
(see pg. 14 in link to City Record:
It will be interesting to see what happens to Erich Hooper now...
Also worth remembering:
Entities tied to Frangos paid more than $9 million for the properties near the casino site. Yet his many companies are plagued with financial troubles, including more than $450,000 in overdue property taxes in Cuyahoga County and defaults on two county loans, totaling more than $1.5 million.
Kill the Land
Gus Frangos and the numerous LLC's that owe property tax
I find it strange that most of the property that was once in Gus Frango's name happens to be transferred into LLC's.
And the LLC's are NOT pay their property taxes.
Gus Frangos was named as a defendant/debtor in two lawsuits involving Cuyahoga County and the judgment was over $1.5 MILLION dollars owed to Cuyahoga County.
And $450,000 owed in delinquent property taxes by the Frangos' is unacceptable.
The President of the County Land Bank, a person responsible for ownership of hundreds of properties, can not take care of business with his own real estate and should not be in a position to be responsible for hundreds of properties owned by Cuyahoga County taxpayers.
Numerous properties were taken by the county land bank via tax delinquent foreclosures . And the person in charge of taking delinquent property tax property is behind numerous LLC's that are also delinquent with paying their own property taxes.
Taxpayers do not want to foot the bill for the numerous LLC's , the Frangos family, Plymouth Park Tax Services, et al, to play Monopoly in Cuyahoga County.
Remember the schools need the property tax money. It's all about the schools and the children- not really. It's all about a game of Monopoly and their version of the Monopoly game comes with " Get out of Paying Property Tax" and "Transfer all of your property to an LLC" cards. Cuyahoga County's version of Monopoly.
Gus Frangos, a person in charge of Cuyahoga County's real estate, should be held to a much higher standard and never show even a slight hint of impropriety in the real estate market.
Gus Frangos and Jim Rokakis worked together with Plymouth Park Tax Services who recently admitted rigging the tax lien process and agreed to a $211 Million settlement.
Gus has thrown up enough red flags that I would almost feel sorry for him if he were near a bullfight.
Jim Rokakis approves extension on tax liens for Frangos family
It is too bad that the thousands of other tax lien victims never received a foreclosure "extension" like the Frangos family received- courtesy of Jim Rokakis.
The Frangos family was given a foreclosure extension on their tax lien cash in from three years to six years- with the approval of Jim Rokakis. I am still researching the favorable extension that was given to the Frangos family and should have the information ready in another week or so. I have already gone through several thousand tax liens and have not discovered the 'extension' being afforded to others. I have several thousand more tax liens to research prior to claiming this as a fact. It is also odd that this 'extension' only applies to Cuyahoga County and does NOT apply to other counties in Ohio.
Info on tax lien extensions:
The extension of the three-year limit to six years also applies to certificates that have been purchased before the bill's effective date, as long as the county treasurer permits the extension. To have the lien extended for such outstanding certificates, the certificate holder must request that the county treasurer extend the lien by issuing a new certificate. If the county treasurer consents to the extension, the certificate holder must pay a premium for the new certificate in an amount to be negotiated between the treasurer and the certificate holder.
The bill does not change the three-year time limit with respect to tax certificates sold through public auction (i.e., those sold in a county with a population of 200,000 or more, other than Cuyahoga County).
Between one and three years after a certificate is purchased, the certificate holder may request the county treasurer to initiate foreclosure proceedings (if the certificate was sold at auction) or file notice of a private foreclosure action (through a private attorney representing the certificate holder), as long as the property owner has not yet redeemed the property by paying the delinquent taxes and associated charges. If the certificate holder does not initiate foreclosure proceedings within three years after purchasing the certificate, the certificate holder's lien is canceled, and the right to collect delinquent taxes and receive interest on the certificate expires; the certificate therefore loses all of its value. The foreclosure proceeding ultimately results in the sale of the property to satisfy the certificates and court costs, or the transfer of ownership of the property to the certificate holder.
Currently, the three-year time limit for redeeming tax certificates may be extended only if the certificate holder and the property owner agree to a "redemption payment plan," under which the owner agrees to pay the delinquency (plus fees, costs, and all other amounts due as represented by the certificate) directly to the certificate holder.
Land Bank demolition endangers family
Land Bank
The land bank was created to keep property out of the hands of irresponsible, out-of-state investors - who often hide behind LLC's.
I would rather take my chances that out-of-state investors have more responsibility than the investors we have right here in our own backyards.
Our irresponsible investors are in charge of the real estate market in Cuyahoga County via the County Land Bank, and they get to pick and choose who gets property from the county land bank- at taxpayer's expense.
Report this to Cuyahoga
Report this to Cuyahoga County Inspector General Naihla Byrd at 216-698-2101--Kathy Wray Coleman
Gus Frangos
Thanks Kathy--I just sent an email to Ms. Byrd and, given the history we live with in NEO, I am sure she won't mind my skepticism of her role/position until proven :)
Thanks Kathy--I will do so. But, already, I am depressed by the rat maze and cronyism...since FitzGerald appointed Barbara Byrd-Bennett's daughter to the position created at $132,000 salary and the first action...the long-overdue firing of Mark Lime (Husband of Parma Council rep Debbie Lime)....doesn't look like Nailah Byrd had anything to do with it.
BTW, here are the contacts as of 9/18/2011 for Ed FitzGerald's team. Why he runs a website site separate from the main Cuyahoga County administration suspect and depressing to me.
Staff Directory
Ed FitzGerald, County Executive
County Administration Building
1219 Ontario Street, 4th Floor
Cleveland, Ohio 44113
contacted [at] cuyahogacounty [dot] us
Name/Title Phone Number Email
Sadly comments to PD articles have more content than actual articles:
I hope Fitzgerald explained to the residents how he justifies paying his staff the outrageous salaries he has given them.
Thomas Gilson $225,000
Jeffrey Mowry $178,000
Edward Fitzgerald $175,000
Lawrence Benders $160,000
Matthew Carroll $140,000
Nailah Byrd $132,000
Joe Gauntner $132,000
Majeed Makhlouf $130,000
Elise Hara $125,000
Bonita Teeuwen $120,000
Dorothy Baunach $120,000
Edward Jerse $107,000
Joe Nanni $105,000
Nora Hurley $100,000
Ed Morales $100,000
Jeanne Schmotzer $98,000
Noberto Colon $98,000
Nathan Kelly $98,000
Jennifer Scofield $97,000
Sharon Cole $92,000
Joanne Gross $87,401
Nicole Dailey-Jones $85,000
John Kohlstrand $83,000
James Boyle $79,000
Justin Bibbs $75,000
Robert Ivory $70,000
David Merriman $67,000
Nikima Barnhill $62,940
Tonya Hairston $50,000
It pays well to be a friend of Ed!
Real Estate Investors in Cleveland, Ohio
For many years, a lot of local real estate investors have worked to build small businesses in Cleveland buying , rehabbing, and renting or retailing the properties in our community. Like all businesses; you had the good, the bad and then the ugly.... I feel fortunate to have worked with some of the most ethical and respectable property managers around our town. Yet, I have also met fly by night jerks who got in over their heads really quick during the boom and tried everything to slide through this nightmare in Cleveland. Along the line; I can say one thing for sure....if you were not a pay to play were getting the shaft along the line. REI's (real estate investors) come in many forms....landlords, rehabbers, lenders, wholesalers, retailers etc.
I recall many years ago calling the City of Cleveland and asking for a list of Land Bank properties that were for sale. The list was "UNAVAILABLE".... I asked why our city would not simply sign a contract with a real estate agent to LIST those various properties? I mean; if you own marketable real estate that needs to be redeveloped; wouldn't it be wise to market it to the world of real estate investors in an OPEN FORMAT so that everyone has an opportunity to participate? (No, of course not...this is Cleveland.... and it's a list for "SPECIAL PLAYERS!" )))))))):
Bottom to play, pay to to play.....Land Bank included....and by the time the FBI stops pussyfooting around MR. Clean (Rokakis)....and figures out that they've been'll all be moot again.
Always Appreciative, "ANGELnWard14"
Gus Frangos - more red flags
Gus Frangos is/was listed as an Agent/Registrant for 43 business entities.
Gus Frangos is/was listed as an Incorporator for 122 business entities.
A large number of the business entities are for real estate companies, contractors, developers and parking lots.
Jim Rokakis landbanking
Jim Rokakis is named as an Incorporator for ten business entities, including the following:
1. Jim Rokakis Incorporator / Gus Frangos Agent for South Hills Management Group, LLC
2. 3010 West 14th, LLC
3. Achill Management Group, LLC.
4. Helena Management Group, LLC
5. Icarus Development Group, LLC
6. Pearl Road Properties, LLC
7. Puritas Road Properties, LLC
A very credible person told me that Rokakis and Frangos had an interest in the Pelton Place apartments located at 2363 West 14th Street, almost directly across the street from Frank Giglio's property.
However, my research can not connect Rokakis or Frangos to this property. The property is in the ownership of an LLC.
The property was purchased in May 2006 and the listed owner was G.E.R. Kingsway Manor, LLC. No property tax was paid for several years and the delliquent tax bill for 2010-11 was $163,509.70. This owner was apparently connected to some person. The county filed a delinquent tax foreclosure on Frank Giglio's property - located across the street- for delinquent taxes in the amount of $184.50.
On June 28, 2011, this property sold for $500,000 to the another LLC, SP Tremont, LLC. Cuyahoga County was finally paid the delinquent taxes of $163,509.70.
No Conflict of Interest- unethical SEC insider violations here?
Insider trading.....
Always Appreciative, "ANGELnWard14"
Jim Rokakis / Gus Frangos LLC's - send in the National Guard
Call in the National Guard to protect Cuyahoga County victims. It will take the FBI decades to unravel this maze:
After reviewing the LLC's again, I noticed that Rokakis and Frangos are both connected to three LLC's and not just one.
The LLC's have Jim Rokakis listed as the Incorporator and Gus Frangos as agent.
1. Icarus Development Group, LLC. Jim Rokakis and Nicholas Zarnas are the Incorporators and Gus Frangos is the Agent.
2. Achille Management Group, LLC. Jim Rokakis and Nicholas Zarnas are the Incorporators and Gus Frangos is the Agent.
3. South Hills Management Group, LLC. Jim Rokakis and Chris Wygonski are the Incorporators and Gus Frangos is the Agent.
This information is relative to the Icarus Development Group, LLC:
Icarus Development Group LLC
4950 Oneil Blvd
44055-2901 - Lorain (Lorain)
Tel. 4402337621
Sales: Unavailable
Number of employers: Unavailable
Principal: Nick Zarnus
Carol Burton Management LLC Company Profile - Located in Lorain ...
Mar 10, 2011 – Carol Burton Management LLC has a location in Lorain, OH. Active officers include Robert Resman. ... A.K.A.: Icarus Development Group; ...
Cases filed in the Ohio Northern District Court :: Justia Dockets ...
sb-l" id="sbresult_0" />
Defendants: Batavia Properties Limited Partnership, Coinmach Corporation, Cuyahoga County Treasurer, Icarus Development Group LLC, Jacqueline A Streit ...
This appears to be the Achille Management Group, LLC., located in Ohio. And if this is the same company in which Gus Frangos was named the Agent an Rokakis as the Incorporator, we have some SERIOUS issues on hand:
Achilles provides a full range of property management, construction and maintenance services. We are focused on developing long-term, lasting relationships bringing peace of mind to our customers by being there for them when they need us, every day-all day.
Did you know that we provide 24-hour emergency service? We look forward to hearing from you! Contact us today to find out how we can assist you with your next project
At Achilles we offer our customers peace of mind. Almost all our staff have their roots in residential construction. We have an excellent team of skilled trades people on staff who are able to tackle any residential project start to finish! We work together with our clients to ensure their vision becomes their reality. Working with many years of home building and renovation experience brings a priceless value to any residential project that can not be replaced anywhere. This experience, coupled together with our network of the finest established suppliers, will ensure you receive the best quality from the get-go and will last for many years to come.
We provide complete home services from the ground up — from the landscaping to the roof and everything in between.
Demolition Services
Lawsuit involving co-Incorporator for Achille Management and Icarus Development Group NICHOLAS ZARNAS, in part:
1020 Bolivar, LLC, et al. v. Nicholas A. Zarnas
{¶12} According to the record and averments of both appellees and
appellants, "Nicholas Zarnas" as a "Developer" entered into a development agreement with Prospect. According to the Zarnas appellants' pleadings in the Bolivar litigation, in 2006, Zarnas, in his individual capacity, entered into an oral agreement with "Frangos" to repair and renovate the Bolivar property.
{¶23} "I. The trial court erred in granting the Frangos appellees' motion for summary judgment
{¶27} Appellees' notices to commence suit are vague as to the identity of the owner; both being signed by an attorney purporting to be "the authorized representative of the owner." *fn10 Despite this defect, we find that the alleged owners of the subject properties were revealed by the litigation and the appellants commenced suit on the mechanics' liens within 60 days of being served with notice to commence suit.
And more:
NICHOLAS A. ZARNAS, INC. is a Commercial Banking company located in Cleveland, Ohio.,+INC.-CLEVELAND-OH
Downtown housing projects in works.(Tesco Builders Inc)(Nicholas A. Zarnas & Co)(Frangos Group )
Commercial broker selling Cleveland Heights 4BD
by Amy Anderson, published May 6, 2009
social bookmarking and networking sites, etc." class="stbutton stico_rotate">ShareThis
Nicholas A. Zarnas and Ann E. McDermott have listed for sale their four-bedroom, 2.5-bath home at 12655 Cedar Road in Cleveland Heights for $375,000.
Teri G. Chmielewski is the agent for the listing. The 2,660-square-foot home was built in 1920.
Zarnas is a commercial broker and president of Nicholas A. Zarnas, Inc., in Cleveland.
Frangos Had Tax Problems in Cleveland, Too
Jan 13, 2011 – Meantime, another Frangos company, Bolivar LLC, has filed a civil complaint in Cuyahoga County against Nicholas A. Zarnas, another ...
ZARNAS LIPP CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, LTD. (Ohio): free business registration ... Name; Nicholas Zarnas. Address; 13655 Cedar Rd, Cleveland Hts Ohio 441060000 ...
Grand openings - Cleveland Business News - Northeast Ohio and ...
Dec 13, 2010 – Co-founders Jon Mavrakis and Nick Petrakis are joined by partner Nicholas A. Zarnas, former chairman of Grubb and Ellis Co. Investment ...
Commercial Property for Sale - 6030 Carry Ave, Cleveland, OH ...
MLS ID: 3177124. Beds: -. Baths: -. Sq Feet: 4000. Year Built: 1913. Listing Courtesy of Nicholas Zarnas* of Blackrock Real Estate Brokerage ...
June 21, 2004 minutes
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
Jun 21, 2004 – Nicholas Zarnas, 12655 Cedar Road, accessory use regulations; and BZA Calendar No. 3041(d) Nicholas. Zarnas, 12655 Cedar Road, accessory use ...
Print - Crain's Cleveland Business
Nov 22, 2010 – BLACKROCK PARTNERS: Jon Mavrakis and Nick Petrakis to co-founders; Nicholas A. Zarnas to officer. SERVICE. TODAY'S BUSINESS ...
***************************************************************************************************** - A downtown development roundup
To begin in spring 2003 and be finished mid-2004; 1104 Prospect Avenue, 40000-sf , 22-unit apartment developed by Nick Zarnas and Lou Frangos, $3.5 ...
Out-of-town developers largely made Cleveland's downtown ...
sb-l" id="sbresult_9" />
Sep 2, 2001 – YOUNGSTOWN -- Nicholas Zarnas and Lou Frangos have an old office building and a gut feeling. Zarnas, a Cleveland real estate developer, ...
The Cloak Factory Condo in Cleveland:™
Listing provided courtesy of. Agent: Nicholas Zarnas*; Brokerage: Blackrock Real Estate Brokerage. Since 1917 Realty participates in NORMLS IDX program,
Youngstown News, "downtown apartment" | Search
YOUNGSTOWN -- Nicholas Zarnas acknowledges that he hasn't sold any of the condos or finished. Share · Discuss; September 2, 2001 midnight ...
Commercial Property for Sale - 1964 73rd St, Cleveland, OH 44103 ...
sb-l" id="sbresult_8" />
$250000. MLS ID: 3177124. Beds: -. Baths: -. Sq Feet: 4000. Year Built: 1913. Listing Courtesy of Nicholas Zarnas* of Blackrock Real Estate Brokerage ...
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
Dec 24, 2009 – 09-153 Nicholas H. Zarnas. 12655 Cedar Road. Cleveland Heights, OH 44106-3332. 11/30/09 Cease and Desist. Order/Consent Agreement ...
Feds hot on Falor's trail | In Other News | Crain's Chicago Business
Mar 30, 2009 – "He's ruined numerous lives here in Cleveland," where many of the investors live, says Nick Zarnas, who estimates he lost $600000 in Falor-led ...
Home for Sale - 635 Lakeside Ave 304, Cleveland, OH 44113-1073 ...
sb-l" id="sbresult_6" />
Listing Courtesy of Nicholas Zarnas* of Citiroc Llc. Similar Properties On Market Search For Similar Properties · Property photo for 2823 Jay Ave, ...
Nicholas A Zarnas Active Real Estate Listings- Ohio Ohio
Search Nicholas A Zarnas's active real estate listings and homes for sale in Ohio.
And this is not all of the information!
Land Bank property
Click here to view all of the property in the County Land Bank.
It is a shame to see photos of the properties that are scheduled for demolition. A lot of decent looking houses soon to be crushed.
Does this really make any sense? Does it make sense to demolish houses at taxpayer's expense when private investors are willing to purchase these houses?
If an out-of-state investor wants to invest their money on all of this property, let them invest their money. Hell, maybe some out-of-town investors might even relocate to this Ghost Town. And they might even pay their own property taxes. Imagine that!
Excuse me it is Nailah
Excuse me it is Nailah Byrd
2 mentally ill victims of County Corruption made homeless
Two mentally ill men that I was working with and trying to help were both made HOMELESS over the County's game of Monopoly. Greedy corrupt thieves stealing from people that are least able to defend themselves and not one public official mumbles one single word.
Above photo of Frank Giglio's bed taken a few days prior to bulldozing.
Below are photos of the property tax foreclosure victim on eviction day. The mentally ill victim is looking out his door after realizing that representatives from Plymouth Park Tax Services were knocking on his door- to kick him out of his home owned for nearly 50 years.
Unfortunately, due to the victim's mental health status, he was not fully aware of what was about to happen and did not pack or move any of his belongings prior to the knock on his door.
The victim leaving his home owned for nearly fifty years- for the last time: