Welcome to REALNEO, Max X B Roulet - Welcome to the Revolution
Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 03/09/2008 - 07:53.

Max Xavier Bayard Roulet Day 1
REALNEO member #5438 has arrived. Welcome, Max Xavier Bayard Roulet. You are born in an age of unforgivable human greed, bloodshed, cowardice and insanity everywhere on Earth. The natural environment has been destroyed by humans. Human cults called religions rule what some call civilizations, which are all in ruins. All life on Earth has been contaminated by man, and is dying. You come to this once beautiful planet early in an age of "Global Warming", meaning you will observe and experience tragedy like never experienced in human lifetimes before you. Past generations failed you so miserably, you are born to stop your own species from killing all known life, including you. Welcome to the revolution, Max X. I love you and am glad you are by my side!
Congratulations!!! He looks like a superhero to me!
We need em - I got em
I'm proud to have five superheroes, which gives me hope for the future of this planet.
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The Right Number Of Fingers & Toes
It looks like Evelyn put him together well. Hope she is well too.
Congratulations to you both.
Bill & Susan
Birthing done right
I'd seen videos of women having natural childbirth... breathing through labor, with complete mental control... and it is so different than what I've seen otherwise in life and media... the high medical intervention screaming bitch from hell stressed baby way that is the American standard... I wondered if natural childbirth was really possible today.
Then Evelyn and I took hypnobirthing classes and listened to a CD each night and Evelyn delivered 9lb 2oz Claes with a Doula and midwife and without any meds or a single scream... the only medical intervention was a doctor who snuck in the room and rushed everything with an episiotomy.
I was amazed tiny little Evelyn could be so tough and wondered if she could do so well again with Max. 8lb 2oz Max X later... this time without a episiotomy... Evelyn agaian proves hypnobirthing and natural is the way to go. Max came out unstressed, happy and ready to eat and sleep. Evelyn is up and about and ready to get the hell out of the hospital.
Rainbow did great - but if Evelyn did this again she could probably have the baby at home.... total cost, the fee for a midwife and a roll of quarters to do laundry.
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Supermom will save the world
Strong is right!!! I look forward to Evelyn's story on these pages,soon. Max looks great--healthy and pink, not stressed. The story could embolden future moms to use hypnobirthing with a midwife more often. Our society needs less stress. Congrats again, and all my best to Evelyn. (Do Tim and Gloria know that Evelyn attended Magnificat?!)
didn't know
Nope. Didn't know that. Now we have one more reason to hold her in high esteem, as one of the legion of Magnifigirls.
Welcome Max!
Congratulations Norm and Evelyn! Looks like you both did a great job this time, too. Enjoy the first days and the tidal wave of love you're surely sufing right now! He's beautiful! Welcome to the world Max. Rest up and learn well - there is work ahead...
Messages to Max X and the future
For his birthday, I set up for Max a few things he'll need in the REAL NEO world: a REALNEO account and email. Feel free to contact Max via REALNEO - user profile here. But Max is busy learning to read and write and save the world, so it may be some time before he may reply.
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another life-changing event...
...for all of us. Max reminds us of what it's all about.
Norm, it appears that you've married well, and I'm sure you're appreciative now more than ever.
Evelyn, congratulations, and we're going to have to get to know you better--you do good work, and it seems you bring it all together.
Congratulations Norm and Evelyn. Welcome Max! All best to your family.
Many joys and much happiness
Congratulations Norm, Evelyn, and Max.
Enjoy your time together in the years ahead with much peace, health, and beauty.
Congratulations, Evelyn and Norm!
My apologies for the delay, been out of town yet again and offline - my heartiest congratulations on the addition of Max - (Maxwell? Maximus? :-) Xavier to the Roulet clan!
A Celebration is in order...
What a wonderful surprise on line!!!
Congrat's to you and your family.... sounds like all are well and had a good experience.
Evelyn you deserve a round of applause!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great name.
I might not have made it for the neon artist at the Inner Circle, but I would make it for the Max X and Evelyn the Great.
Enjoy! ECK
Great news, Max-X - We Changed Everything!
Just as things are looking the worst possible, and still early in the fallout from the failure of generations of poor leaders and worse citizens of the world, enough Americans awoke from establishment mind-control to recognize and support a true agent for change - Barack Obama - and we elected him President of the United States of America.
That changes everything for you, as you shall see!
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