Friends of the Greenhouse Flower Fair, annual fund raiser for Rockefeller Park Greenhouse

Submitted by Evelyn Kiefer on Mon, 05/15/2006 - 23:24.
05/19/2006 - 10:00
05/21/2006 - 16:00

Support the Rockefeller Park Greenhouse -- a flowering oasis that is always free to the public -- and get beautiful potted plants for your garden. Sale is 10 am -4 pm Fri, Sat and Sun, but get there early for the best  or call 216-664-3103.


Rockefeller Park Greenouse
750 E. 88th Street
Cleveland, OH
United States
( categories: )

Rockefeller Park Greenhouse is fantastic - support it!

I went to the Rockefeller Park Greenhouse last year for a free jazz concert - I'd never been before, and I was amazed this wonderful learning and living resource is part of our great city - and in a really cool location, near the lake and Rockefeller Park - go to this, buy a plant, and help your city while you help yourself