Controling Access to the Internet

Submitted by William on Wed, 04/12/2006 - 08:07.

Hello all,

I had an interested situation happen to me yesturday that I would like to share.  CAAO is going to be exhibiting at a upcoming event at the CSU Wolstien Center.  Internet access is an additional cost of $175. I did not need CSU's internet connection as I have my own wirless connection in my laptop via Alltel's service.   I was told that I am not allowed to bring in my own connection and would have to pay $175 or go without.  So I had a decision to I pay 3 months of DSL to exhibit for 4 hours or do I go without.  Due to limited buget I decided to go without.

Is this going to start a trend?  Are we going to see more meeting facilities use this tactic?

Interested in hearing your comments.


( categories: )

Pathetic policy at CSU/Wolstien

I've never seen a policy prohibiting use of a cellular internet connection on a private line anywhere, except in hospitals and airplanes, where there are supposed interference issues. So this sounds like CSU or their vendor have a scam running at Wolstien. I also know CSU requires students to use a specific type of wireless network access, forcing additional expenses on students. It is sad CSU doesn't play a more positive role in the community with information technology... they seemed more progressive and visible a decade ago.

ah the overiding T-Mobile

I had an interesting afternoon in a local gallery. They have their own wireless connection and gave me the code so I could use the internet while gallery sitting. However, my connection (not very strong) kept being interrupted by the T-Mobile connection being sold for $10 at the Starbucks that was on the other side of the wall from me. I gave up. Has anyone else had a similar problem?

On the CSU issue, I would suggest a survey of other universities and meeting places such as libraries. Once you get the scoop on other's policies, you might have a letter to the editor of the PeeDee to widen the concern about this.  

Universities traditionally champion open access

Case and U of A both are part of the free wireless movements in their communities - I think CSU is out of step and that it is at the policy level. Your idea to compare this situation with other similar universities in other communities makes sense, for proof, but I'm confident we'll learn the obvious... most universities want to help people access knowledge.

As for Starbucks... their technical barbarism is legendary... because of regressive organizations like Starbucks (and CSU), T-Mobile has the wrong markets for the wrong services, and invests in ways to force that on the public, rather than focusing on helping innovate the world through the next generations of technologies.

As for your friend's gallery, I believe there is paint made to block wireless signals... other than that, your friend may need to upgrade to a stronger signal to compete... or you may need to upgrade your card.

Of course, it goes without saying, stay away from Starbucks whenever possible. 

Re: Universities traditionally champion open access

I was at Case a few months ago on a business meeting and was able to get on their guest account without any issues. 
I will check with other facilities and provide a report back to the group.


While I think it's lame, I can understand charging for access as an additional way to make money.  But the amount seems high for today's cheaper and cheaper access.

 But to deny you a personal means of connecting is backward thinking and a scam.  Do you have to use their pay phones to call outside the compound, or is your cell phone acceptable?  What's the difference?


Toll highways vs. freeways - which built economy?

Global development has followed development of major transport grids, because that leads to expanded economic growth. The same goes for data and communications transport. If you need private delivery services, you should pay for that - a high bandwidth and guaranteed availability circuit for a meeting would be a reasonable toll access - but a place like CSU and Cleveland in general should be gushing with free bandwidth just like we have roads, education and other public services. Denying access to that is denying a civil right - I wonder if CSU even has a legal right to do that?

the gallery in question  Click the link to see the Jeff Chiplis neon in the window.

It is a wonderful gallery, so avoid Starbucks, but do leave time when you're going to the Cedar-Lee neighborhood for a movie or dinner to see Collector's Choice before April 15. Great works by local artists at affordable prices. 

Very cool gallery

Thanks Susan - I was wondering which gallery you were talking about... heights art and that whole area is really great, and who would go to Starbucks with Phoenix just down the street.

Thanks for Sharing Susan

Wow I did not know this place was so close to me!  I see you are on the board of directors.    One of the organizations in my network is Sankofa FineArts.  If you are ever interested in collaborating with an African American Arts organization, let me know and I will send you the contact information for the executive director of Sankofa.

I am actually speaking at a Sankofa Fine Arts Training session in two weeks about Access to Capital for Artist.



With a strong wireless cloud over all parts of the city, such as suggested  on REALNEO's homepage April 8th,  how could CSU keep anyone anywhere on their campus from connecting to the internet?

It sounds to me like CSU has rented their Wolstein Hall out to a private exhibitor who is shaking down all their exhibitors.   Who is the sponsor of the exhibit?  Does a state university have the right to rent out their premise to a for profit entity?  Is that the situation?