Assuming HEK/MAK/BAK/KAM are people, their reward or punishment for their presence in NEO should be?
Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 06/18/2008 - 12:55.
Appreciation and economic opportunity to develop their artistic value (e.g. workshops, commissions, grants, purchases) 33% (24 votes) Graffiti is part of urban fabric - can be artistic and cool - coverup problem graffiti and focus on gang tags and related crime 33% (24 votes) Art, shmart - they are thugs and should be punished doing community service addressing graffiti problem... and grow up 18% (13 votes) VANDALS! Prosecute them - they are felons, should have criminal records, and made prisoners for as long as possible... years 15% (11 votes) Total votes: 72
Judge Gallagher Agrees
Wouldn't it be nice if citizen opinions were as easy to determine and factor into legal considerations as has seemed to be the case with Hek/Mac. If one listened to the Greater Cleveland Partnership and their Cleveland+ buddies they would say HEK/MAC are felons... 2 years in jail... if you listen to REALNEO, there are more important issues, and Hek/Mac have value.
I'm glad Judge Gallagher et al listened to real NEO et al.
Disrupt IT
ostensibly citizen opinion
is factored into our criminal code, though i'd say that has become highly debatable.
can we have a fifth option - leave them alone?