FIND the sign on the Scranton Peninsula. I see the Grove Court condos on the hill. I love my job, because I get to SEE all of the great things available to READ! This summer, our theme for reading is SPIN your web, READ! Every summer, I learn something NEW. Thanks to Stacey Allen from the Cleveland Metroparks for helping our kids learn to see bugs, insects and spiders in a new light. My neighbor Arleen took this beautiful photo of a WOLF spider in my backyard!
I love it!
FIND the sign on the Scranton Peninsula. I see the Grove Court condos on the hill. I love my job, because I get to SEE all of the great things available to READ! This summer, our theme for reading is SPIN your web, READ! Every summer, I learn something NEW. Thanks to Stacey Allen from the Cleveland Metroparks for helping our kids learn to see bugs, insects and spiders in a new light. My neighbor Arleen took this beautiful photo of a WOLF spider in my backyard!