Submitted by jerleen1 on Tue, 10/20/2009 - 00:16.

Another standing room only session for the Old South Side Community Coalition.  As the Jefferson Library conference room began to fill with members, new and old, TWDC Board member Henry Senyak, Councilman Joe Cimperman, Cleveland Municipal Court Candidate for Judge, Greg Groves and Plain Press reporter Chuck Hoven, the only faces that seemed to be  missing were the TWDC By-Law Committee Representatives.

At the September meeting, it was at the insistance of Tim Jenkins, TWDC By-law Committee Chair, nudged by TWDC Board President Tom Cook, that a decision was made to slate the proposed by-law and Articles of Incorporation changes on the OSS agenda for question and answer session  at tonight's forum.  However, with the TWDC By-Law Advocates being a no-show, about the only serious question ask  "was Frank Giglio's House on West 14th Street NPI's model project for blight control?"  The answer to that was "At the special meeting on November 11, who would be in charge to make an amendment from the floor to dissolve Tremont West Development Corp?" 

My question is, was it a deliberate act to have us schedule the by-laws for discussion and nobody show? or is this just typical Tremont West behaviour where everybody's just "gone to lunch?"  Either way, it's one of those LOL situations.




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congrats Jerleen

 expect a backlash from this but dont let it get you down.

you have many behind you.


I think it is really exciting to have such involvement and commitment in your neighborhood. 37 people in attendance means that what you are advocating for is important to many.

Ideally TWDC should be thrilled that there are so many residents that are engaged in the process, willing to attend meetings and to rally around causes they believe in. I hope that long-time residents will continue to feel empowered and to provide a balance of viewpoints to the other stakeholders in the Tremont neighborhood. 


It really is exciting to see

It really is exciting to see that many people come through the door and sit down to talk about their concerns and issues with what's going on in the community. 

What was funny is that about 7:30 and it was announced that we would be discussing the TWDC by-laws, man the room cleared - About 20 people said so long.  

After all the huffin' and puffin' Tim Jenkins put up about the democratic process in our organization and then he didn't have the "courage" to show up sure leaves TWDC with a lot of egg on it's face this morning, especially after we went all out making sure that we had press coverage.

Tremont West only wishes that they had the kind of participation we have in our organization.  Not like the Central Block Club where only about 7 showed up.

The next by-law round will be on Sat. Nov. 7, from 9:00 am - 11:00am - we will be handing out flyers in front of the TWDC office at 2406 Professor.    Volunteers will be appreciated.

Keep up the fight

Jerleen, we need a similar commitment on the part of residents throughout the City of Cleveland.  Community Development Corporations have been commandeered by the power elite and profiteerers to cash in on the poverty quotient.  It's a parasitism that will eventually kill the host and the parasite.  

Please ask Councilman Cimperman to release his 2009-2010 budget and ask how he plans to allocate council funds in his newly redistricted ward.  I would like to know what happens in my neighborhood, which is also now affected by the CDBG funding shuffle.  One of Councilman Cummins first moves as a new councilman was the publication of a newsletter in 2006 that actually spelled out his ward budget.

It was a good move for transparency and accountability, but evidently the powers-that-be at the City of Cleveland's Department of Community Development were not happy about it, because it was the first and last REAL information, we received as residents.   You can go to the City Council website and check for yourself--the publication is now missing.

I plan on writing more about the CDCs, their fake newspapers, media control and controlling the media, but I will save it for a later day.

my opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinions of my employer, my spouse, my cat, my neighbors, my extended family or anyone I happen to acknowledge on the street, bus, etc.

There was some spirited

There was some spirited discussions when it came to the lack of consideration and respect for residents on behalf of these up-scale restaurant/bars/nightclubs in the neighborhood.

Our meetings are suspended until January for a couple of reasons, one for the holidays and two, to organize a new group inside our coalition known as  RESIDENTS ACTION TEAM SUPPORT SYSTEM (RATSS).  Ratss will be a group of carefully selected individuals with the knowledge, expertise and knowhow of getting us to the proper agencies, depts., groups, resources, etc., necessary to surpass stumbling blocks that befall us at the local level and assist us in reaching "higher authority." 

By the time we reconvene in 2010, we won't be fumbling in the dark.