Why eGov? To help citizens find healthcare

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 01/07/2005 - 17:24.

No big surprise NYNY Major Bloomberg is a master of ICE -
Information Community Effectiveness - as that has made him untold $ millions.
But I am always surprised how well he and NYC.gov use the WWW to serve the
diverse needs of citizens - through his virtual outreach he makes clear he is
an ingenious and caring statesman very deserving to lead one of the world's
most remarkable and complex cities. For example, today I received the following
"Health and Mental Hygiene News" on "How to Find a Doctor",
which "tells
you how to find the doctor you want regardless if you have insurance or not,
lists many free or low-cost health insurance programs, and explains how having
a regular doctor can greatly improve your health." How many 100,000s of
people in NEO need this knowledge, from an eGov taking care of citizen needs?

Health and Mental
Hygiene News
- Vol 3, Number

How to Find a Doctor

A regular doctor or other
health care provider can help you and your family stay healthy.

  • People with a regular doctor are more likely to live
    longer and healthier lives.
  • A doctor who knows you and your medical history is
    best able to provide the care you need, based on your specific health
  • You’re more likely to feel comfortable with a doctor
    you see regularly, so you can talk about any health issue, including
    sexual health and alcohol and drug use.
  • No one should have to go without medical care because
    they don’t have money to pay for it - help is available!

The How to Find a Doctor Health Bulletin
tells you how to find the doctor you want regardless if you have insurance or
not, lists many free or low-cost health insurance programs, and explains how
having a regular doctor can greatly improve your health.

bulletin is one in a series that we publish on topics of critical importance to
New Yorkers. Health Bulletins on other topics can be found on our website at http://www.nyc.gov/html/doh/html/alerts/alert1.html.

<>To sign up for more e-mail updates, or to unsubscribe from
this list, simply go to www.nyc.gov/health/email
and select the NYC DOHMH updates you’d like to receive.