Background The Great Lakes Wind Collaborative (GLWC) is a group established to build consensus and identify and address issues affecting the planning, development, and operation of wind power facilities in the Great Lakes region. The group provides a forum for dialogue and an opportunity for analysis and exchange of information among key stakeholders to facilitate sustainable wind power development in the region.
Conference Breakout Sessions
Research and Data Management Research, analysis, integration, dissemination and publication of information for decisionmakers. Topics include the Great Lakes Wind Atlas, compilation of relevant environmental data sources, and the identification of other unmet data management and research needs.
Environmental Planning, Siting and Permitting Identifying data sources and gaps in the main topic areas: Wildlife and ecological resources, water management (drainage, spills), visual resources, noise, cultural resources, monitoring impacts in all areas, determining significant impact levels, mitigation measures applied in planning, siting and permitting, review processes and interagency coordination, decommissioning. Addressing trade-offs between wind and other power sources.
Offshore Aspects of Wind Power Siting and design standards for off shore wind energy systems, monitoring impacts in the offshore physical and biological environment, the environmental aspects of off shore transmission, and permitting policies and procedures. Assessing and managing socio-economic effects - aesthetics, navigation, etc. Effects of seasonal weather, especially ice on structures, access.
Transmission and Power System Integration Long-term power needs of the region (demand and system balance) influencing transmission and grid interconnection for achieving the Great Lakes wind vision.
Economic Development Aspects of Wind Power Economic impacts of wind industry: job development, manufacturing infrastructure, installation and maintenance, and energy security needs for the Great Lakes region.
Lodging The conference will be held at the Hyatt Regency Buffalo (Two Fountain Plaza, Buffalo, New York, USA 14202). A room block is reserved under Great Lakes Commission at the rate of $119, with a governement rate of $86. This special rate will end April 18, 2008.
Contact Direct any questions regarding registration to Pat Gable (%70%65%67%61%62%6C%65%40%67%6C%63%2E%6F%72%67) at the Great Lakes Commission or general questions about the meeting to Becky Pearson (%62%70%65%61%72%73%6F%6E%40%67%6C%63%2E%6F%72%67). Both can be reached at 734-971-9135.
Submitted by Charles Frost on Tue, 03/11/2008 - 18:21.
Green Energy Ohio, Bowling Green State University and BGSU Firelands invite you to attend one of five Public Outreach Meetings listed below (and in the attached flyer) on March 18, 19, 20, 25 and 26, 2008 from 6:30-8:00 pm. The meetings will provide an opportunity for local community leaders, businesses and residents to voice their support, questions and concerns regarding potential wind energy development in the western basin of Lake Erie. There will be a question and answer session following a presentation by wind, avian and community planning/economic feasibility panelists.
The event is free and open to the public. No registration is required. For additional information including directions visit
March 18, 6:30 to 8:00 p.m., Cedar Point Center Auditorium, Bowling Green State University Firelands Campus, Erie County (One University Drive, Huron, OH 44839)
March 19, 6:30 to 8:00 p.m., Lorain County Joint Vocational School, Lecture Room B, Lorain County (15181 State Route 58, Oberlin, OH 44704)
March 20, 6:30 to 8:00 p.m., Community Resource Centre, Conference Room A&B, Ottawa County (8043 West State Route 163, Oak Harbor, OH 43449)
March 25, 6:30 to 8:00 p.m., Terra Community College, Building B, Room No. B101/B102, Sandusky County (2380 Napoleon Road, Freemont, OH 43420)
March 26, 6:30 to 8:00 p.m., Toledo Zoo, Indoor Theater, Lucas County (2700 Broadway, Toledo, OH 43609).
Submitted by Jeff Buster on Wed, 03/12/2008 - 12:12.
The first 2 Vestus wind turbines went into the landfill dump near Bowling Green, Ohio in 2003.
There have been only 2 more units placed there - or anywhere else in Ohio - since.
Bill Mason and the Cleveland Foundation want to STUDY wind turbines on Lake Erie.
Why study? Why not put more units up south of Toledo where there are plenty of corn fields whose owners would love the leases, and where there's the best wind energy in the state of Ohio? ANSWER: Coal Lobby has too many billion$ to lose if alternative energy gets it's foot in the door in Ohio.
Wind All Around Us.... Why Not Here????
Green Energy Ohio, Bowling Green State University and BGSU Firelands invite you to attend one of five Public Outreach Meetings listed below (and in the attached flyer) on March 18, 19, 20, 25 and 26, 2008 from 6:30-8:00 pm. The meetings will provide an opportunity for local community leaders, businesses and residents to voice their support, questions and concerns regarding potential wind energy development in the western basin of Lake Erie. There will be a question and answer session following a presentation by wind, avian and community planning/economic feasibility panelists.
The event is free and open to the public. No registration is required. For additional information including directions visit
Thank you.
Kemp Jaycox
Wind Program Manager
Green Energy Ohio
Kemp [at] greenenergyohio [dot] org
The first 2 Vestus wind turbines went into the landfill dump near Bowling Green, Ohio in 2003.
There have been only 2 more units placed there - or anywhere else in Ohio - since.
Bill Mason and the Cleveland Foundation want to STUDY wind turbines on Lake Erie.
Why study?
Why not put more units up south of Toledo where there are plenty of corn fields whose owners would love the leases, and where there's the best wind energy in the state of Ohio?
Coal Lobby has too many billion$ to lose if alternative energy gets it's foot in the door in Ohio.
Check out the link Ed Morrison posted on Brewed Fresh Daily: Lousy govenment in Columbus. Lousy Government throughout Ohio.
Ohio (Wind) Job Video
A short clip on Ohio (Wind) Jobs, sent to me by a friend...