
Whirlpools, landslides, flood, sedimentation and large scale pollution - Almost live from Chagrin Blvd.

Submitted by Zebra Mussel on Tue, 08/07/2007 - 21:07.
Whirlpools, landslides, flood, sedimentation and large scale pollution - Almost live from Chagrin Blvd.

What ever you do, DO NOT click here if you want to avoid bearing witness to a total, unabridged,and fully explicit pollution in its rawest form.   Sedimentation transported gently on the waves of mother nature and towards our fair lake via stormwater runnoff.   Play our footage at the link above for the whirlpool video that is taking the stormwater scene by storm

My Ideal Presidential Candidate

Submitted by Kevin Cronin on Sun, 08/05/2007 - 08:14.

Who's my candidate, the pollster asks?

I will pledge to support what ever candidate does more to make the world hate America less. At the outset, I want to say how truly appalled I am at myself for having such an abysmal standard for evaluating candidates. How can I tolerate, much less espouse, such a bleak, cynical prism to separate the candidates? Yet, I am more troubled by America and an America political system that is content to operate in denial.


Submitted by Jeff Buster on Thu, 08/02/2007 - 12:18.

Fools rush in -  if you are for a sales tax to build a con center and kennedy mart - you honestly believe that this will trickle down and improve the NEO economy - then you should READ the resolutions (sales tax, use tax) passed by Cuyahoga County Commissioners Hagan and Dimora.  Look at the second line of either resolution.  "money goes into general fund".   There is no language in the resoluions that says that either the sales or use tax is for a  con center and kennedy mart.  This tax will go on for 20 years sucking in about a million a week.  Where will Hagan and Dimora be in 2008 when their terms expire?  Promises, Promises.  Printed in the Plain Dealer.

And Commissioner Peter Lawson Jones, who voted "against" the tax is in fact complicit.  If he was really against the tax but for a con center (with support from hotel bed taxes as he said) Mr. Jones would have raised in the public hearings the fact that the resolutions were for money going into the general fund, not into a con center account.  Omitting to exercise this ringing argument puts Mr. Jones in a catagory of strong doubt about being "against" the tax.

So, if you REALLY want a concenter and kenmart you would do well to sign a referendum petition right away to help this spring.  Then you can vote the present resolutions down, and insist that the Commissioners introduce and pass   new resolutions which spell out specifically in the resolutions what the sales tax will be used for. 

But then again, maybe you were born yesterday. 

Case Foundation Award Deadline August 8th

Submitted by lmcshane on Wed, 08/01/2007 - 22:14.
08/08/2007 - 12:00
08/08/2007 - 17:00

'Make it Your Own Awards' by The Case Foundation

The Case Foundation is looking to award grants up to $35,000 to individuals
or teams working to connect people to discuss what matters, find smart
solutions, and take action.   Any individual, 14 years and older, is
eligible to apply (individuals cannot apply on behalf of organizations).
Application deadline is August 8.   For more
information on the 'Make it your Own Awards' please visit the Case
Foundation Website at

Who Can Apply

We're looking for passionate individuals, or individuals working with small, local organizations or groups, who reside in one of the 50 U.S. states, the District of Columbia, or Puerto Rico, to submit an idea for one of these same locations (no international projects). Applicants must be 14 years of age or older.


Jeffrey Bowen, Greater Cleveland Habitat for Humanity, Executive Director joins the MTB Roundtable at Midtown Brews

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 08/01/2007 - 11:12.
08/02/2007 - 17:30
08/02/2007 - 19:30

The dynamic leader of Habitat for Humanity will discuss the REstore program ( at their offices as well as how providing affordable, sustainable housing helps end a cycle of poverty. Many opportunities to contribute in this worthwhile, ongoing project in Greater Cleveland will reveal themselves through this lively discussion. And if we are lucky, we may just get Jeffrey to veer off topic a bit and talk about his other life as a performance poet.


2530 Superior Avenue, Suite 600
Cleveland, OH
United States


Submitted by Jeff Buster on Tue, 07/31/2007 - 13:43.

I  have been following a thread on BrewedFreshDaily concerning Michael Polensek’s radical letter – and whether recreation centers might make a difference to our kids  Mr. Polensek’s ward has been promising to build a youth rec center for about 17 years but can’t seem to get it done.

I Heart realneo - Now Guzzl Gas!

Submitted by Zebra Mussel on Sat, 07/28/2007 - 15:15.
I Heart realneo   -  Now Guzzl Gas!

posting to realneo assures me that someone else will get a chuckle + anger out of the photo I shot this week!    If you got it flaunt it.   I love the irony.  A cat I work with has this 50+ MPG sticker on his jetta tdi.   If I could only get him parked next to this shot... I could print it up,sell posters, and retire.  Or at least fund a new camera!   I followed the driver by the way (no really she was going the same way I was).  She pulled into the gated Barrington Estates.   Surprise Surprise Surprise.

( categories: )


Submitted by Jeff Buster on Thu, 07/26/2007 - 19:34.

Following are images of the concepts which were received by Sally Levine and David Ellison for the reuse of the Marcel Breuer designed Ameritrust Tower in Cleveland Ohio.  I extend my appreciation to the designers for their generous dedication and creativity.  I will endeavor to number each of the entries  so that comments can be directed to  specific designs.  I will also  try to make legible the text which is important on many.  A submission from Italy was especially poignant in its text.   Designers, please feel free to log in and amplify your presentations.   This is very cool that so much volunteer creativity went into this event.   Here's my hoping that all the designers who contributed will reap a referred commission or two from their contributions....


Submitted by Jeff Buster on Wed, 07/25/2007 - 16:42.

    There is a good opinion piece by County Commissioner Peter Lawson Jones regarding the proposed county sales tax hike in today's PLAIN DEALER  

Join Katrina for Happy Hour APL Benefit at Light Bistro

Submitted by Evelyn Kiefer on Wed, 07/25/2007 - 00:23.
07/26/2007 - 16:30
07/26/2007 - 20:00

My friend Katrina will be guest bartending with Thomas Barbric' the regular bartender at Light Bistro (formerly Parker's) on Thursday, June 26th from 4:30 - 8:00 (Happy Hour) all tips will go to the Cleveland Animal Protective League.  There will be complimentary Tapas as well as a few other appetizers for $5. 


Light Bistro
2801 Bridge Avenue
Ohio City, OH
United States

Review of Leading State Film and Video Production Incentives

Submitted by Kevin Cronin on Tue, 07/24/2007 - 20:53.

How and why do film and video production decision get made? A film trade group recently asked those questions, and the answers are not encouraging for Ohio, which continues to say “no” to the adoption of production incentives that other states now consider routine.


Submitted by Jeff Buster on Tue, 07/24/2007 - 19:03.

Norm and Evelyn are forging ahead in East Cleveland.  Little House on the Prairie has nothing on these guys. 


Submitted by Jeff Buster on Mon, 07/23/2007 - 22:29.

My neighbor has a spectacular garden with over 600 varieties of Day Lillies.  Yes, the blooms only last for one day, withering and falling off by tomorrow.  

Post-Ingenuity Party : Reflections Reconstituted

Submitted by Sudhir Kade on Mon, 07/23/2007 - 11:28.

If the world hasn't caught on yet, some of the ideas I presented this weekend as exhibitor during the Ingenuity Festival held here in Downtown Cleveland have caught the distinct attention of our Pope and President, among others.. and though Mr. Bush is now under the duress-caress of a legitimate censure threat he, like so many others has to know a great thing when he sees it.  Who doesn't ?  The key now is to work collaboratively and cross-sectionally to manifest those ideations and innovations particularly and proactively preventative of Biblically-briefed, Catastrophe-causing and Armageddon-averting measures so we can assure a sustainable future for us all.  It is my belief we have five years until a pivotal time in history, and this is indeed a Messianic age - one which is facilitated by what spiritualist Eckhart Tolle and so many others refer to as the frequency holders (Findhorn Retreat)..   So perhaps polytheism returns, and we will all be gods ?   .   And as I jest, in part,  I am simultaneously serious - this isn't enigmatically expansive, or bucolic bipolar banter but rather real and rugged rapture we're talking about!


Submitted by Jeff Buster on Sun, 07/22/2007 - 12:22.

The IngenuityFest public outreach efforts of Sally Levine  and David Ellison are intended to prevent Cuyahoga County from demolishing Cleveland’s Marcel Breuer designed Ameritrust Tower.    Ms. Levine and Mr. Ellison present a “Right vs Might” poster boy case of passionate public citizens who are “right” going up against “City Hall” “might”.   Except in this case it isn’t “City Hall”,   but “County Hall”.  


Submitted by Jeff Buster on Sat, 07/21/2007 - 11:00.

In geologic cadence Troika Ranch developed their dark on-stage anthropology.   Could also be a display of schizoid spousal personality disorder  - views in a mad house.  Womens' forearms definitely became homo erections;  stiletto pumps – maturing desire or just vertical ambulatory evolutionary expression?


Submitted by Jeff Buster on Fri, 07/20/2007 - 11:19.

Wednesday evening Cleveland State University’s Dance Program brought “Words Alive” to the Drinko Recital Hall at CSU.  Performers combined movement with music, or with dialogue.


Submitted by Jeff Buster on Fri, 07/13/2007 - 14:15.

   Riverview Baptist Church from Franklin, Ohio (south of Dayton, Oh.)  in cooperation with Fresh Coat Cleveland spent a week providing their earnest and good spirited (the job site near E55th and Superior was a upbeat place to be) volunteer labor in Cleveland painting houses. 

Behold - For the Future of Green Energy We Must Look To Our Past !?&%$#@???

Submitted by Zebra Mussel on Wed, 07/11/2007 - 21:46.
Behold - For the Future of Green Energy We Must Look To Our Past !?&%$#@???

I would like to add that this and the other audacious billboard are the only procoal billboards on the PA turnpike and they are both adjacent to the wind turbines out that way; In fact if you squint really hard you can see the turbines in the fog.


Submitted by Jeff Buster on Wed, 07/11/2007 - 12:49.

Now this down to earth engineering plan to rectify the natural state of the Cuyahoga River is an operation I could get behind long before I could support Bill Mason's wind turbines "about 3 miles out on Lake Erie".